南方之路 El Camino del sur (1988)






  Set in the 1930's this is the complex tale of "Jana", a young girl from a poor village high in the mountains of Yugoslavia. It chronicles her arranged "marriage" to the wealthy "Maks...展开im" who transports her to Buenos Aires and life in his "house of ill-repute". Although she bears him a son she receives no better treatment than any of his other "ladies". Her personal relationships with her johns and lovers and her protectors are woven throughout the story in a multi-faceted tapestry, and in the end "Jana" does get what she truly deserves at the conclusion of her journey, a new life in a better place. Mirjana Jokovic plays the role beautifully.
  Competently directed by Argentinean director Juan Bautista Stagnaro, this film makes good use of its musical score to establish mood and flavor. The scene near the end where "Jana's" brother kills "Maksim", subtly foreshadowed in the opening moments of the film, is exquisitely and artfully choreographed, as are the Carnival scenes which have much more of a dark flavor than the celebratory nature that one normally expects to see in such scenes, and with good reason.
  Mira plays "Bessi", one of the other girls who makes the journey by sea from Europe to South America. Perhaps a little older and initially a little more worldly than the rest of "Maksim's" stable, she is also a lesbian and it is quite clear from the moment that she first lays eyes on "Jana" that she is enamoured of her. We only ever glimpse small bits and snippets of "Bessi's" life, all of them moments with "Jana", beginning with her southern journey and ending on her deathbed, as she succumbs to venereal disease.
  Mira's role in this film is minimal, but her performance shines. She establishes "Bessi's" character immediately and remains true to her throughout the entire film. I really have the sense of knowing "Bessi" intimately. This is also a role where Mira's hauntingly beautiful singing voice is put to good use to convincingly establish a mood in one of the scenes.
  這部阿根廷電影敘述著一段被騙去賣淫的年輕少女的苦澀悲歌, 個人覺得這部劇情題材蠻特別, 一位原本非常純真善良的良家少女, 帶著父母親的滿心期待嫁給了一位自稱在美國定居的小富豪, 不過卻沒想到這段婚姻竟然成為她無法逃離的惡夢, 貼一下這片的劇情-----雅納原本是生長在波蘭的純樸鄉村,因近來雅納一家人賴以維生的鵝毛賣的不好,全家大小無以為主,有一天,來了一位開著轎車、衣著光鮮的外地人─美心先生。美心先生看上年幼純真的雅納,想娶她為妻,原本大家以為雅納找到好家,從此可以脫離貧苦的日子,誰知美心先生心懷不軌,帶著矇懂的雅納到阿根廷去賣淫…
  這部片最特別的地方就在於雅納在身為妓女之後, 全心去追求所憧憬的的美妙愛情, 在她被騙到阿根廷賣淫之前, 她和她的哥哥有著超乎兄妹的曖昧關係, 自從被美心先生抓去賣淫之後, 有位常來光顧雅納生意的鋼琴家便深深吸引了雅納, 每天都在滿心期待她能夠再回來, 不過卻沒想到發現到相當震撼的內幕使的雅納心碎成兩半, 而在美心身邊服侍美心的莫里斯則是抱著一片真心想要帶給雅納幸福, 可是雅納一開始的心都放在她的恩客鋼琴家, 完全沒把心放在莫里斯身上, 可是接下來一連串的衝擊劇情, 即將席捲雅納原本平靜無奇的生活, 就不透露接下來的重要劇情囉, 個人覺得後半段真的很有戲劇張力, 讓人意想不到的劇情轉折, 讓我看的驚呼連連, 不過最後意外的結局, 算是給了這個相當悲慘的故事一個完美的交代囉, 當雅納一開始發現他被推入賣淫集團的時候, 那種心靈震撼真是讓她情緒失控, 不過讓人慶幸的是, 她在那邊有著關心她的女性朋友, 而她女性朋友的悲慘遭遇, 引發了她想逃跑的念頭, 不過逃不掉的悲慘宿命, 還是讓她永遠都處在美心設的網中, 最後她能不能逃出呢? 有興趣知道的就去找來看看吧! 這部讓我感觸很深的是, 為了愛所做出的無私付出實在令人感動, 推薦給喜歡愛情片的朋友囉。
南方之路 El Camino del sur (1988)
Juan Bautista Stagnaro
Elida Cecconi / Beda Docampo Feijóo
Mirjana Jokovic / Mira Furlan / Adrian Ghio
南斯拉夫 / 英国 / 阿根廷
Serbian / 西班牙语 / 意大利语
1988-05-10  (1988年)
南美春梦 (台译) / Journey To The South / Put Na Jug
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