The Married Virgin





The Married Virgin影片简介

  The first production of Maxwell Productions. The production was shot in rented space at the Universal Studios in California. The film was announced for release through The General Film Company, Incorporated, in Decembe...展开r 1918, but may not have been in fact distributed. In 1920, Fidelity Pictures Company acquired the film, cut it to six reels, and released in on the State Rights market. By May 1920, the film was reviewed under the title Frivoloous Wives, but the film appears to have been distributed under both titles throughout 1920. After Valentino’s success in The Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse (1921), Maxwell rereleased what is believed to be a reedited version of the film under the title Frivolous Wives. Video producer David Shepard added footage found in the Library of Congress and in Belgium and Luxembourg to an existing print of Frivolous Wives to reconstruct The Married Virgin.
The Married Virgin

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