I'm Fine, Thanks (2012)





I'm Fine, Thanks影片简介

  In a word, "I'm Fine, Thanks" is a movie about complacency, or why so many settle for mediocrity in their everyday life at the expense of a greater passion. It's a collection of stories on the choices we make and the p...展开aths we ultimately decide to follow. And - most importantly - whether or not that path is truly connected to who we are as individuals. First-time director and Wilmington native Grant Peelle narrates the film from the perspective of a fledgling filmmaker acting on his long-held passion to make movies. Together with four other crew members and a trusty van, Peelle takes the audience on a 42 day, 10,000 mile road trip to capture stories of complacency and triumph from all across the country. "For 15 years I had placed my dreams on hold, choosing to create a 'responsible' life instead of chasing my dream to be a filmmaker. This movie is my stand against complacency. It is a dream come true," said Peelle. The film was financed through a record-setting fund raising campaign ...
I'm Fine, Thanks (2012)

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