冰原恐龙 DInosaurs on Ice






  There are dinosaur bones, lots of them, on Alaska's North Slope. But they're trapped in an icy tomb - a wall of permafrost.
  To get to them an Australian scientist will experiment with extreme palaeontology. Dr Tom R...展开ich from Museum Victoria became a leading authority on Polar Dinosaurs and unusual excavation techniques when he built a mine to get to fossils in the 1980s. Now he wants to blast a mine in the Arctic.
  Dr Tony Fiorillo from Dallas has been collecting dinosaur bones from the North Slope for the last decade using more traditional methods. He is not convinced of Rich's plan. Two very different men undertake separate expeditions to the Arctic.
  Battling extreme conditions they work to solve the mysteries of the Dinosaurs On Ice. How did dinosaurs survive at the Poles? Can they unlock the secrets of dinosaur extinction and what can they tell us about our own future on earth?
冰原恐龙 DInosaurs on Ice

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