





  CHRIS BLYTHE has made a fortune, and lost a fortune; and now has returned to his home town to start all over again. He gets a job as a labourer in a quarry run by the tight-fisted,hard-headed millionaire BRINLEY MATTHE...展开WS. Brinley is a ruthless man with only one redeeming feature - his love for his beautiful daughter, ELAINE.
  Chris and the mercurial Elaine meet, and begin a passionate and volatile love affair.
  Elaine’s a dreamer; but she’s also smart, and tough, and Chris has never known a woman like her.
  Elaine feels trapped by her father, and his tight-fisted ways. Chris begins to realise she is damaged; and finally, she reveals that Brin has brutalised her both physically and emotionally.
  Chris’s rage builds. He hits upon a plan to ‘save’ Elaine; and murders Brinley by drowning him in stone dust. Elaine is now a rich woman. But Chris learns, on his wedding day, that Elaine is a bare-faced liar. She’s never been abused by her father. Chris has been duped into committing murder….

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