怪声音 Still Small Voice (2007)






  After suffering the stillbirth of her child, MICHAEL SUMMER (Catherine Bell) returns to her job as a 911 operator and tries to lose herself in work. She starts to unravel when she receives an emergency call from a terr...展开ified child she believes is the dead girl from her reoccurring nightmare. The girl's cryptic words haunt her until she becomes obsessed with finding out who the girl was and how she died. When a menacing stranger starts stalking her, Michael realizes the little girl wasn't the only one that slipped through the mysterious door that's opened up to her. As she follows the clues to the girl's home town, she discovers no one, not even the girl's parents, knows the truth about her death. Now Michael believes the menacing stranger stalking her is the girl's murderer and will stop at nothing to prevent her from finding out the truth. When Michael finally places the last piece of the puzzle into place, the picture she sees is too horrific for her to comprehend.
怪声音 Still Small Voice (2007)

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