女人曾经的秘密 Secrets From Her Past






  After witnessing a horrible crime, a woman changes her identity and moves across the country. After establishing her new life, she starts to receive ominous communication from a person that knows her secret.
  Ten yea...展开rs ago, Kate Collins was a different person. Literally. She was living in Chicago, working as a bartender, and going by her real name ‘Stephanie Wickers.’ That all changed when she witnessed the murder of her boss by a ruthless member of an up and coming crime syndicate named Alek Ravik. Knowing that Klebanov saw her, she faked her death, changed her name, and went into hiding in Philadelphia. Now, Kate is fairly happily married to her husband David and has an 8-year-old son. She runs a gym with the help of her best friend Hannah. Unfortunately, her past is about to catch up with her when the murder case is reopened
女人曾经的秘密 Secrets From Her Past

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