The Search for Simon





The Search for Simon影片简介

  When David was 10 years old, his younger brother Simon disappeared. David's father told him that Simon was ‘living with the space people' and would not talk of it again. A year later and David's father dies, taking the...展开 secret of what really happened to the grave, setting David on a life-long quest to find the ‘space people' and get his brother back.
  Some 25 years later, David has spent all his free time and money talking to myriad loonies looking for ‘the truth'. His quest takes him around the world, meeting anyone who has a story about abduction and UFO sightings.
  He even tries to get a job at the sinister B.A.S.T.A.R.D.D (British AeroSpace Technology Advanced Research Development Division), who seem very interested in David's latest friend, from Arcturus.
The Search for Simon

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